Sometime after the most recent time the collection of entertaining cross-stitch pictures crossed my Facebook feed, I decided I wanted to cross-stitch a flowery “Don’t be a douche.” So here it is.

Sometime after the most recent time the collection of entertaining cross-stitch pictures crossed my Facebook feed, I decided I wanted to cross-stitch a flowery “Don’t be a douche.” So here it is.
When in doubt, post kitty pix.
I don’t remember exactly what it was I said to Joel that made me think to draw this picture, since that was a couple of weeks ago now. I finally got around to drawing the picture last night, though, and “Brain Fuel” seemed as likely as anything else.
Would have had this up last night if the internet at home wasn’t down, and I couldn’t get WordPress to connect properly via cell data.
I’ve got the moon in my hand